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CIHS Testimonial, Francesca Paretta, Masters in Integral Health

In the initial search for a (yoga)

teacher-training program, the most perfect synchronicity led to the website for an alternative graduate school that happened to be in my area…a school that works towards “bridging the gap between science and spirituality” through the study of psychology, health, physics, and world religions. The California Institute for Human Science (CIHS) integrates scientific methodologies of the West with Eastern philosophy and spirituality…My abandoned inner-neuropsychologist and inner-yogi beamed at the possibility of merging these two worlds together. Upon returning from my travels and training, I immediately reached out to CIHS and was accepted into their Master’s program two months later.

Receiving higher education from an institute such as CIHS was the most transformative journey of my life. Academic rigor paired with spiritual awakening, psychological healing, and professional development put me through the wringer. I had never felt more complete, whole, and connected to the higher truths that I had never known I already knew. At the same time, my entire worldview was shaken and flipped upside down. I have come to see life, existence, and the perception of the physical world in an entirely new way. I have come to understand, witness and meet the force of nature that underlies human consciousness, that is to the extent of my own pscyho-spiritual evolution.

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