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Webinar: Introduction to Trauma Psychology




1 Session

Course/Certificate Details

In this training, Heather Berberet will (1) present the history of the Psychology of Trauma and the mis-attribution of trauma as a psychological, rather than biological, disorder, (2) explain regulated and dysregulated (traumatized) Autonomic Nervous System functioning, (3) demonstrate how psychology can address traumatic symptoms (4) present a case study from an OI session.

Participant Learning Outcomes

At the conclusion of the training, attendees should be able to:

  1. Articulate normal functioning of the ANS as it relates to psychological functioning.

  2. Articulate how unresolved traumatic events can create chronic dysregulation in the ANS.

  3. Gain insight into how a somatic approach, via Organic Intelligence protocols, can bring regulation back to the ANS, thereby decreasing chronic PTSD symptoms.

Presenter Bio

Heather Berberet, Psy.D.

Dr. Heather Berberet, Psy.D. is a California licensed psychologist. She has served as Adjunct Faculty at both San Diego State University and Alliant International University. She is currently in private practice focusing on trauma and relationships. She is an Organic Intelligence Expert and a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner. Outside of the office, she’s a mom, a wife, and an inspiring science fiction author. She can be found at and

<p class="font_8">Heather Berberet, Psy.D.</p>
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