Special Orientation Meeting with Dr. Jeffery A. Martin: Navigating Graduate Studies Research to Life

Dear CIHS Students and Faculty:

Please join us for this rare opportunity, a special orientation meeting with CIHS’ Dean for Research Supervision, Dr. Jeffery A. Martin, Tuesday, October 5th, from 4pm to 5pm Pacific time.

Navigating Graduate Studies Research to Life Success

It's critical to approach the period of your graduate studies as laying the foundation for what you'll do later in the world. In this session Dr. Martin will cover what you need to know to go from student to success in the world. All too often students get caught up in their graduate degree process in ways that don't maximize their future potential. We don't want that to happen to you! This time in your life is a key moment that, when approached properly, can serve as a launchpad that makes your future dreams come true. But, you have to be both mindful, and strategic about that now…not after graduation.

Students in the Integral Noetic Sciences program please note that your program group meeting with Dr. Sean Esbjörn-Hargens will follow directly after, at 5pm Pacific time.

Zoom meeting room will open Tuesday, October 5th 3:45pm.

Join Zoom Meeting


Dr. Martin’s presentation will be recorded and made available to CIHS students, but we encourage you to attend the event live.

Warm Regards to All,

