Psychology Program Director at CIHS

Dear CIHS Community,

Dr. Sharon Mijares will be retiring as Director of the Psychology Program on June 30th. Dr. Mijares has served admirably in this role for more than a year now and has contributed immensely to CIHS’ progress toward accreditation. We owe her a huge debt of gratitude for her excellent service.

She served as Director while also teaching, advising students, serving on Faculty Senate and Faculty Senate committees, serving on dissertation committees, and in many ways upgrading CIHS’ Psychology Programs.

We are fortunate that Dr. Mijares, although retiring from administrative duties, will continue with CIHS as Lead Faculty and teaching. She has been an exemplary teacher for many years at the University, and we hope she will continue to teach here for several years to come.

CIHS is searching for a replacement for the role of Psychology Program Director. Please spread the announcement of opportunity to your communities, attached and on the CIHS website here.

Once Dr. Mijares steps down June 30, if a replacement has not yet been found she will continue to be available to any urgent student advising requests, and Dr. Nick Bustos will assist in advising students until a new Director is appointed.

We want to thank Dr. Mijares for her commitment and accomplishments in leading the Psychology Program since March 2020.

Warmest Regards,

Thomas Brophy, Ph.D.

